As your local community pharmacy we can offer a wide range of services and facilities for you and your family.
Dispensing Prescriptions
We dispense NHS and private prescriptions and can advise on how best to take your medicines. We will record the details of the prescriptions that we dispense on our computerised Patient Medication Record to enable us to check suitability of your medication and check for any interactions.
Repeat Dispensing
If your doctor agrees you will be able to collect your repeat prescriptions from us without having to worry about ordering the prescription at your surgery.
Unwanted Medicines
Can be returned to the Pharmacy where we will safely dispose of them.
Health Advice
A pharmacist is always available to advise you in confidence on your medicines, healthy lifestyles, minor illnesses and access to other local health care providers. We stock a wide range of medicines for over the counter purchase to help with self-care.
Common Ailments Service
We can offer FREE* treatment and advice for many conditions without the need for you to see your GP.
Flu Vaccination
We offer both NHS* and Private Flu Vaccination Services to individuals and corporate clients throughout the annual Influenza season.
Surgical Appliances
We supply surgical stockings, trusses, stoma and incontinence appliances and can provide help and advice where needed.
Residential & Nursing Homes
We can provide a full pharmaceutical service to nursing and residential homes including monitored dosage systems where required.
Stop Smoking Service
We can provide Nicotine Replacement Products FREE of charge for patients using the “NHS Wales Smoking Cessation level 2 Service” which can be accessed by contacting HelpMeQuit Wales.
Emergency Hormonal Contraception
We offer a FREE* Emergency Hormonal Contraception Service providing medication and advice from one of our Pharmacists in our PRIVATE consultation rooms.
Discharge Review Service
We offer FREE medication reviews to patients who have recently had a stay in hospital, checking that your repeat prescription is as the hospital intended and helping you to understand what your medicines are for and when best to take them.
As your local community pharmacy we can offer a wide range of services and facilities for you and your family.
Dispensing Prescriptions
We dispense NHS and private prescriptions and can advise on how best to take your medicines. We will record the details of the prescriptions that we dispense on our computerised Patient Medication Record to enable us to check suitability of your medication and check for any interactions.
Repeat Dispensing
If your doctor agrees you will be able to collect your repeat prescriptions from us without having to worry about ordering the prescription at your surgery.
Unwanted Medicines
Can be returned to the Pharmacy where we will safely dispose of them.
Health Advice
A pharmacist is always available to advise you in confidence on your medicines, healthy lifestyles, minor illnesses and access to other local health care providers. We stock a wide range of medicines for over the counter purchase to help with self-care.
Common Ailments Service
We can offer FREE* treatment and advice for many conditions without the need for you to see your GP.
Flu Vaccination
We offer both NHS* and Private Flu Vaccination Services to individuals and corporate clients throughout the annual Influenza season.
Surgical Appliances
We supply surgical stockings, trusses, stoma and incontinence appliances and can provide help and advice where needed.
Residential & Nursing Homes
We can provide a full pharmaceutical service to nursing and residential homes including monitored dosage systems where required.
Stop Smoking Service
We can provide Nicotine Replacement Products FREE of charge for patients using the “NHS Wales Smoking Cessation level 2 Service” which can be accessed by contacting HelpMeQuit Wales.
Emergency Hormonal Contraception
We offer a FREE* Emergency Hormonal Contraception Service providing medication and advice from one of our Pharmacists in our PRIVATE consultation rooms.
Discharge Review Service
We offer FREE medication reviews to patients who have recently had a stay in hospital, checking that your repeat prescription is as the hospital intended and helping you to understand what your medicines are for and when best to take them.

Order Your Repeat Prescription

Common Ailments Service

Patient Registration

How to find us!
Map and Contact
Get in touch!
Bargoed Pharmacy
9 Cardiff Road,
CF81 8WZ,
Phone/ Fax Number: 01443 839983
Email: enquiries@bargoedpharmacy.co.uk